Thanks to everyone that came out in support for Barbells for Boobs and completed "Amazing Grace" on Saturday! If you haven't already donated you have till the end of October so keep your fundraising efforts going!
Place your orders for Pete's Paleo by midnight tonight for pickup on Thursday, October 11th between 4:30 pm - 8 pm. We are going to be doing a Pete's Paleo Challenge starting Thursday, October 11th for one month! Pete's is giving us $100 off a month of food. That's 40 meals and 20 snacks for $400! Order and pay by midnight tonight and all you need to do is pick up your food each week on Thursday.
If you weren't able to make it to the Pre-Challenge Meeting yesterday come tonight at 6 pm. Carrie will go over all the information from Sunday. You will also be doing the Pre-Challenge WOD "Helen" so make sure to wear your workout gear!
Overhead Squat:
Beginner: 3 sets of 5, 1 set ever 3 minutes
Advanced: 5 at 75%, 3 at 85%, 1+ at 95% of 1 rep max, 1 set every 3 minutes
Bear Complex:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press
L1: Choose weight, 25 rounds for time
L2: 96/65 lbs 25 Rounds for Time
L3: 95/65 lbs 50 Rounds for Time
-Bar can only touch and go on the ground between rounds. If bar rests on ground at any point during the workout, a 5 burpess penalty is enforced. Burpees are to be done at the end of the WOD before yelling time.
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