We will be running heats for 13.1 today from 8am-Noon. Come in during that time period to get judged. Let's go Team SoCal!!!
Schedule for today:
8am-Noon: Open Gym for 13.1
8:30am: Crossfit kids with Coach Amanda, Coach Ady, and Coach Julie
10am: Weekend Warriors (Free Class) with Coach Sarah
With a Team of 4 complete the following movements for time:
**Only one member can work to complete the movement at a time. While the reps are being performed two of the 4 team members must be in a plank. Reps preformed only count if two other members are in the plank.**
BUY IN** All four team members complete a 400m run**
100 Jumping airsquats
100 Push-ups
100 Burpees
100 Dumbbell Clusters
L1(choose weight) L2 (25/15) L3 (35/20)
BUY OUT**ALL four team members complete a 400m run
11am: Women's Only Class with Coach Sarah
Skill: 15 minutes of Overhead Squats and Snatch work
Two options: (13.1 or alternate WOD)
Alternate WOD for STP or Others:
(Skills to teach OHS, Ring Row, Push-ups)
17 minute AMRAP:
400m Run
17 OHS
17 Ring Rows
17 Pushups
STP- choose Weight (recommend 23/33 bar)
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