THE COUNTDOWN IS ON.... ONLY 8 more days until the first workout is released for the 2013 Crossfit Open. Sign up today!!
The next fundamentals bootcamp begins on March 5th. To get more information or to sign up contact kendra at [email protected]/858-736-7004.
Skill: Kipping practice
Lift: Every Minute on the minute for 9 minutes perform 3 close grip bench press @ 70% 1RM bench press
WOD: 3 rounds for time, rest 2 minutes then 3 rounds for time:
10 pullups
10 Push press
10 Toes to bar
Level 3: chest to bar, 115/75#
Level 2: 95/65#
Level 1: choose weight
This was a killer on the forearms! BUT I loved it :) too bad Pete is on Bahrain & missed it. Awesome programming folks...miss you all!
Posted by: Donalda | February 27, 2013 at 01:44 PM