This Friday at 7 pm Diane Sanfilippo will be at CrossFit SoCal for a book signing and Q&A about her new book, Practical Paleo!
This event will also feature some amazing food by Pete's Paleo! Enjoy dinner at the event at a special promotional price of $5!
Grab a book at the event or bring one you already purchased to have it signed. Books are available for $25 with an advance order, and a limited number of extras will be on-hand for day-of purchase for $30.
Spread the word! This event is open to anyone but you MUST RSVP at EventBrite to receive your ticket to be able to attend.
12:00 to establish a 1 rep max push jerk
As many rounds as possible in 10:00
2 Muscle Ups
4 Power Clean and Jerk
6 Box Jump Overs
Level 1 - 4 pull ups/4 dips per round / 95/65 lb clean and jerk/ low box jump overs
Level 2 - 2 jumping/band-assisted muscle ups / 135/95 lb clean and jerk / 24"/20" box jump overs
Llevel 3 - 155/105 lb clean and jerk, 30/24" box jump overs
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