Last weekend Coach Emily competed in the LWC Championships. Here is a recap of how she did.
Emily Taylor (Team CrossFit SoCal) (58kg Class)
Snatch: 52x, 55, 57
Clean & Jerk: 63, 68x, 68x
Total: 120kg (PR) – 2nd Place
“Emily had a solid run on the snatches (the 1st attempt was called for dropping the barbell too soon), and very close on the 68kg attempts in the C&J. Emily has only been train specifically for Olympic Lifting for a couple months (she is traditionally a Games‐level CrossFit athlete). She just missed a shot at qualifying for the American Open – excellent performance for just the 2nd time in a weightlifting meet.” Way to go EM! Way to represent SoCal!
Please come WOD in a Halloween costume today! Halloween is right around the corner, its time to be festive!
8 am: Olympic Weightlifing
9 am: Open Gym or WOD (TBD)
10 am: FREE Weekend Warriors class with Wilson. All are welcome! Bring friends and family for a fun workout! We will no longer be hosting a free Weekend Warriors class on Sunday's at 10 am. This class is going to be a members only class with Coach Wilson.
For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
stationary, alternating lunge step (advanced: OH lunge steps w/ PVC pipe, empty bar or bumper plate)
push-up (advanced: hand release push-up)
mountain climber (2 count)
bent over row (w/ empty bar, bumper plate, or dumbbells)
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